Tools & Ideas for the Right to Clean Water!
Consider all these opportunities within your reach to help raise awareness, support, and signatures, and let us know if you have any questions! Be sure to check out the Guidelines as you prepare your outreach!
Host or Help Create an Event!
It can be as simple as inviting friends over for a get-together or viewing party at home, holding an educational event online or at the city library, finding a local venue for a benefit concert, or many other fun ideas! Events can have some or all elements of collecting signatures, raising awareness / support, or recruiting / training new volunteers, it's up to you! And yes, you can absolutely have more than one! :)
Tell your Story on Social Media!
Whether you share your reason for supporting in-person, online, or in a Letter to the Editor, every resonating connection you create with the audience helps to amplify the message! In addition to sharing posts from our platforms (Facebook, Instagram, X, etc.), consider messaging over NextDoor, Pinterest, Reddit, and all other means available to spread the word.
Create Content!
You're welcome to check out and share content on our social media platforms, on our Downloadable Images page, as well as creating and sharing your own. See guidelines!
Make and Display a Sign!
If ordering a yard sign isn't for you, you can do SO MUCH with simple poster board and some markers. OR, some people have made beautiful banners and sheets using their own creativity! You can display such treasures at an event or anywhere (legal) you think would help raise awareness!
Email prefilled petitions!
TallyEd is a professional petition distribution service we've partnered with to enable you to "tally up" your own "collected signatures" (perhaps to fulfill your commitment)! All you have to do is create an account with them -- at https://bit.ly/FRTCW-petition -- and follow instructions to send your contacts an emailed invitation. When they download the prefilled petition form, we get charged $0.50, which is much cheaper than having to pay someone to get their signature! (Note: You can always save us the $0.50 if you're able to do this in-person, but we understand if you / they are busy!) :) You can also track progress of your contacts turning in their petitions. It's a pretty cool service.
Go Door-to-Door!
Take a stroll in your neighborhood on some cool(ish) evening and knock doors to let people know about the opportunity to sign a petition for the Right to Clean Water in Florida! (Hint - It's so much more fun with friends!)
Show Up at an Event
This is where you can coordinate with County Leads and show up to help at a local event where the people are! Don't wait to be told when and where to show up -- You can scope out the options (Google "community events near me") and figure out where it would be the best use of your time to collect signatures! Then, contact all the other volunteers in your area (your County Lead may help), and make a plan!
Petition in a Public Area
Do you have more time on weekdays? You may want to refresh yourself with guidance on "Your 1st Amendment Right to Petition" and pick a local DMV, courthouse, library, or other public building (complex) or public park to hang out with a clipboard, pens, and some blank petitions! Don't forget to check out petitioning guidelines!